At Alcees, our customer service is oriented


digital, data & Risk technologies

The cyber centRic dsc

In recent years, cyber risk has become a major risk for companies. When it happens, the user experience becomes difficult to ensure. Long waiting times in the production chain, leaks of personal user data or confidential information, unmet essential needs in the company do not facilitate the achievement of a quality service.The operations, margins, solvency or brand image of the company are very quickly affected.

Alcees is a digital services company. We provide advice, integration and implementation of transformation projects for our clients’ businesses according to three pillars of activity: digital, data, risk technologies. We offer a service focused on the protection of personal or sensitive data, cybersecurity and the associated risks, with a dual vocation: reducing the cyber bill, generating economic benefits of sustainable performance.

The 6 values that drive us to serve our customers every day - the Alcees way


Confidence, responsiveness, commitment, efficiency, audacity, performance, are at the crossroads of the expertise of our consultants.

These values allow us to give a deeply human sense to our business, mobilize our entire ecosystem, our know-being, for easier collective membership to changes in your business.

If you are a customer, we are with  you at every step of our partnership. From the order form to the completion of the entrusted mission, we remain alert, creative and on the move, in order to best support you on your business transformation projects.

anticipate, this is the key

Our selection

See what our customers say

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Our service is recognized and our customers are our best references. They are present on the French, European and international markets. Their requirements are ours and allow us to surpass ourselves or progress. Click on the reference logo below and see its expertise, the solutions it offers and its outlook on the future.


Alcees Blue

Consider the Alcees Blue offer to anticipate a better qualification of your processing of personal or sensitive data,Secure them in accordance with your local, national, commercial confidentiality obligations and avoid sanctions,To go further, reduce your risk of data compromise more easily thanks to our specific analyzes.

Alcees Red

Use the Alcees Red offer to align the prevention of cyber incident risk behaviors with your digital ecosystem. Appropriate new operating methods in accordance with best practices. Script, map, assess vulnerabilities and business impacts. Implement end-to-end risk management and business continuity assistance systems. Finally, guarantee a lasting experience.

Alcees Green

Our Alcees Green offer allows you to organize knowledge and use of your structure's data to accelerate your business performance. To do this, we help you take advantage of the opportunities for a better mastery of data intelligence analytical tools and techniques. You effectively inform your decision-making.

discover the BENEFITS of having Alcees support you

  • Clarified, distributed responsabilities
  • You increase selection and solidarity between controllers and processors : since the beginning to desactivation of established relationship
  • Stress-testing,  preparedness in case of control of a data protection regulatory body
  • Customer acquisition improved by 80 to 90%
  • Increased selection and solidarity between controllers and processors : since the beginning to desactivation of established relationship
  • Stress-tests,  preparedness in case of a control of a data protection regulatory body
  • Risks detection,  sensitive data mapping and visualization, privacy impact analysis,
  • Compliance gaps management (GDPR, ePrivacy, PSD2, BCBS 239, Solvency, Bâle, NIS, COSO-ERM,…)
  • Optimization of access to data capital Proactive transition to data & quality 2.0 governance
  • Agile preparedness, monitoring of responses to personal data(prospects, clients, employees,…) leaks incidents
  • Our analysts support you in securing end-to-end data: strategic diagnosis, roadmap, performance testing
  • You gain enhanced prevention and protection against data breaches
  • Anonymization strategy and reduction of risk factors by up to 60% 
  • You get accountable for a controlled digitalization of GDPR compliance
  • You rely on key risks indicators. You make decisions up to 5 times faster

A trusted tecnological partner at your service

Click on the partner’s logo below and see their expertise, the solutions they offer and their vision for the future

Outillage de cybersécurité par Intelligence Artificielle
Cybersecurity tools by Artificial Intelligence

Some trends and statistics on corporate security incidents

de PME non préparées à une cyberattaque déposent le bilan
1 %
notifications de violations de données personnelles effectuées au niveau européen depuis le 25 mai 2018

Source : CNIL

de cyberattaques suivies d'une compromission de données
1 %

Source : Etude PONEMON Institute pour IBM, 2018

le coût moyen d'une brèche de données en 2018
1 M€

Source : Etude PONEMON Institute pour IBM, 2018

Coût moyen d'une attaque informatique pour une PME française
1 K€

Source : Etude MEDEF, 2018

de hausse des attaques informatiques de type hameçonnage avec le confinement lié à la crise sanitaire du COVID-19
1000 %
d'augmentation des violations à la Loi Informatique et Libertés en 2018
1 %

Source : CNIL

de hausse des tentatives d'hameçonnage (phishing) la première semaine du confinement Covid-19
1 %

Source : CNIL


Founded in 2018, Alcees is a digital services company (sc or esn in french) of French and European essence, 100% cyber centric. Alcees offers communities and public companies, banks, insurers, software publishers, healthcare operators, tailor-made consulting solutions to improve the performance of their operations and simplify their exposure to cyber risks through compliance with standards. and highest standards and by simple measures : technical, organizational, cognitive.



Follow Alcees and prolong the experience !


4 Rue des Pichets

92220 Paris-Bagneux

Mon – Fri from 09:00 am to 07:00 pm BST

T: +33 (1) 45 46 85 28

M: +33 (0) 6 20 73 19 74





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